Shareholder services
All the information and resources you need to manage your shareholding.
Manage your shareholding with Link Investor Centre
Link Investor Centre is a secure mobile app where you can manage your shareholding quickly and easily. You can:
- View your holding and get an indicative valuation
- Change your address
- Arrange to have dividends paid into your bank account
- Request to receive shareholder communications by email rather than post
- View your dividend payment history
- Buy and sell shares and access a wealth of stock market news and information
- Register your proxy voting instruction
- Download a stock transfer form.
- Access digital documents including transaction history and tax statements
- Use the web or mobile app
To register, download the Link Investor Centre mobile app which is free to download on all smart devices from their respective app store, or click here to access on a web browser. All you need is your investor code, which can be found on your share certificate or your dividend confirmation voucher.
Alternatively, you can contact our registrar, Link Group. They offer many services to make managing your shareholding easier and more efficient. Their contact details are listed below.
- By phone: 0371 664 0300 (+44 371 664 0300 if overseas)
Calls are charged at the standard geographic rate and will vary by provider. Calls outside the United Kingdom will be charged at the applicable international rate. Lines are open between 09:00 – 17:30, Monday to Friday excluding public holidays in England and Wales. - By email: shareholderenquiries@linkgroup.co.uk.
- By post: Link Group, Central Square, 29 Wellington Street, Leeds LS1 4DL
Sign up to electronic communications
Help us to save paper and get your shareholder information quickly and securely by signing up to receive your shareholder communications by email.
Registering for electronic communications is very straightforward. Just visit the Link Investor Centre. All you need is your investor code, which can be found on your share certificate or your dividend confirmation voucher.